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Why steerability in laparoscopic surgery?

Obtain optimal view and approach

During minimally invasive surgery, the entry point in the body and the positioning of other instruments limits rigid devices in obtaining an optimal approach to the target.

Steerable devices enable you to reach any location, with an optimal angle, and good view on the target.

Position in line with the tissue plane

The end-effector (e.g. a hook) of the LaproFlex can approach tissue optimally, by placing the tip in line with the dissecting plane. This avoids “off-plane” advancing the dissection device and may lead to intra-operative complications (e.g. bleedings and perforations of hollow organs).

This is particularly advantageous in confined areas of the body, such as the deep pelvic area, thorax, or natural orifices like the rectum.

Position of LaproFlex in laparoscopy

Combining one LaproFlex device with a standard rigid instrument already provides the additional degrees of freedom to facilitate surgery.

In the realm of laparoscopic devices, the LaproFlex can be positioned between standard rigid instruments used for decades and the robotic devices currently entering the market.

Its greatest benefit lies in sub-complex procedures for which the robot is a costly option, and for hospitals not planning to acquire a robot in the OR but seeking innovation.

See hands on experience with the LaproFlex

Add degrees of freedom (DOF) to your instruments

The primary benefit of the LaproFlex is its provision of three additional degrees of freedom compared to standard rigid instruments. These additional degrees of freedom allow for approaching the target tissue from different sides and angles, thereby enhancing visibility and positioning of the end-effector.

It offers degrees of freedom equivalent to robotic surgery, such as the robotic wristed instruments.

Interested in hand on experience with the LaproFlex?

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Jules Scheltes

CTO and co-owner
+31 (0)50 2113831